Training Classes

We hold two types of training classes - 
Dog Socialisation & Obedience, and  Dog Agility



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Dog Socialisation and Obedience  

Classes are held every Wednesday morning at Blackdown Village Hall (for the exact location, see "how to find us").   There are 3 different training sessions aimed at different ages and abilities, starting at 9 am, with the last class at 11 am.   

The floor of the hall is covered with protective rubber matting to absorb shock and to help in the clearing up of those little "accidents" which can occur from time to time - especially in the puppy class

For adult dogs, a charge of £20 per dog is made for a 4 week period, to help cover the cost of the hire of the hall, trainers travelling expenses and use of the protective mats.   There is also an annual membership fee of £10 per member.

For puppies, there is a 8 week course, costing £50 plus the membership fee.  

All courses need to be booked and paid for in advance, as these courses are very popular.   Contact the Secretary on the link below.

Starting Times
Rally  9 am 
Puppies 10 am
Adults 11 am
Dog Agility  

Classes are held every Tuesday at Higher Pound Farm, Monckton Wyld, Charmouth (for the exact location, see "how to find us").   Three different 45 minute classes are held based on the individual dog's experience and abilities.

Higher Pound Farm is an excellent location, (being an indoor horse training school) and provides safe training conditions in dry and, if necessary, artificially lit conditions.

In Agility, dogs are mostly worked off lead, so it is very important that you should be in full control of your dog.   This is for safety reasons and to avoid disruption to the rest of the class.   You should be confident that your dog will come to you when called and will respond to a "sit" or "down" command.   If you cannot do this, then your dog should continue to attend further obedience training before considering agility.

There is a charge of £20 for a series of 4 sessions to cover the cost of the hire of the facility and to contribute towards the cost of the agility equipment.

To undertake Agility Training your dog must be at least one year old.

Starting Times
Class 1 6:30 pm
Beginners 7:15 pm
Self Help 8:00 pm
Class 2 8:45 pm

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